lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

By Luisina

I would like to tell about my personal point of view about this Topic.

Talking about our own challenges and difficulties isn´t something easy, at list for me.

Everything that is related to the academic area of a person combines the success and the failing. But the combination of those two things, makes you grow as a person.

The strategies depend on each one, as on the age. Through my path as a student i have changed a lot of times my strategy of studying, but always there are some things that you never change. I have always been interested of finding the roots of the problems, (why somethingis like that and not like this). As a matter of fact, when i don´t forget something that i have studied is when i have done that. A friend of mine, on this aspect is similar to me, so we are good study partners.

On the other hand, the worst defect that i have, is that mainly, i´m not sure of what i do. I started feeling insecure of what i´m doing. This is a characteristic that i´m trying to change, i think that with the time i will change it!

On my high school stage i was a good student, however, i was a little bit lazy, and i preferred not to study a lot. I think that my strategy was paying attention on class, and grabbing the ideas from the teacher. Different was with English that i needed to do homework in order to pass the exams.

It was different on preparatory because i did the biggest effort in order not to have exams on summer. Luckily was worth it, i had holydays except for two exams. My technique of study was getting up early, having breakfast and then study all day till night. Some days alone, and sometimes with a friend.

To conclude, i will like to say a few things about my actual situation, as i am on my first years on collage i am not so experienced. But I have realized that the best thing most of the times is doing the projects in groups. Always it will appeared the differences, but also it enrich. Having more points of view apart form the others. This is something positive for all students.

Luisina Romero

2 comentarios:

THI and PRE PROF dijo...

Luisina, it's true! Working as a group as all of you do here, helps a lot and makes you feel more comforable.
Nice writing!


Rochelle dijo...

Good luck Luisina and keep at it! Everyone has those doubts from time to time - its what makes us human and what makes us strive to do better, which is a really wondeful character trait.