Nowadays is really common that teachers make students do a lot of projects or prepare special classes to make them investigate and learn by their own.
Firstly, in my opinion, on the one hand, those kind of work that are very useful and interesting because involve students to search information, change opinions, maybe socialize with older people than them that can be a good search of information.
On the other hand, I would like to say that when I have to do those kinds of projects I’m not sure if what I’m doing is good and I started feeling insecure, so sometimes I’m not very enthusiastic of doing those kinds of works.
Secondly, I will talk about my own experience. Last year, I had to do an important project for high school. It was an interesting work in group about means of communications. I think that project was really contribution and a big change for me because I have to investigate a lot, do a lot of questionaries and analyze them, and observe and be focus on people actions.
I believe that it was an important, good experience and challenge for me.
To sump it up, from my point of view, investigate projects are really contribution for the education for all people ages.
Those projects make students be open minded, search, socialize and study in a different way as it is common.
For all that reasons I consider that it is an excellent experience to try and do someday one.
8 comentarios:
Florencia, you've come a long way!! I can see how much yuo have been learning and I can only feel proud!
I understand those feelings of insecurity, I had them too when I started. But I can see you are overcoming them and getting ahead. Keep using the web, it is the best resource ever!!
My students are required to do this type of writing, and even though they've been doing it for a long time now, they are still reluctant. They think, "How can I possibly come up with a new idea?" They sometimes end up plagiarising for this reason. I always tell them, I'm way more interested in reading what you think than what some old guy thinks!
What you say is so true! I was very nervous when I started college as I was so much older than my fellow students. I was very shy of speaking out and saying what I thought. I, too, had to some research and this helped my confidence to grow. Good luck with your future studies :o)
Thank you for sharing how you felt about writing a research project. I think a lot of people feel the same way. I do. It's scary at first, but then kind of fun.
Hi Florencia
Don't forget that the internet is a very big place and it would take a lot of effort for many people to find your writings, so you may not get a big response rate at all - which doesn't mean that people are not interested in what you wrote. Keep believing in yourself and write for your own benefit, if someone gives you a good comment, that will just be a lovely bonus!
You are right.
The more one grows, the more we realise how important it is to inquire, invetigate into everything that concerns this world. And we realise how close we all are, despite our geographical and cutural boundaries. :)
Im here via analia, you have a wonderful teacher! Good luck with your ongoing investigations, into yourself as well, and may that never end.
Well, everyone feel nervous and uneasy when doing something new, and probably carrying out such a project turned out a little bit overwhelming. But do not think these butterflies will disappear as you grow older. A challenge is a challenge: at school, in our families, in our jobs; but they are worth living.
everyone feels, sorry!
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